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How To Conceive A Boy – 5 Tips To Conceive A Boy

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Published 1 Jun 2019

👉Fit & Healthy Pregnancy Guide: https://homesolutionsforev.com/fit-and-healthy-pregnancy-guide 👉 Breastfeeding Help: https://homesolutionsforev.com/breastfeeding-help Please subcribe the channel to update the latest videos: http://bit.ly/2MtsPSE Visit Our Website For More Useful Healthy Advice: https://homesolutionsforev.com/ How To Conceive A Boy – 5 Tips To Conceive A Boy. How To Conceive A Boy #1: Sex Positions. Dr Shettles believed deep penetration was important to give the boy sperm a head start. With less difference to travel, the boy sperm would be able to out-swim the girl sperm, and find the egg. The Shettles method claims that to improve your chances of a boy, you should have sex in positions that allow for deep penetration. It may not sound very romantic, but the closer to the cervix the sperm are ejaculated, the more likely they are to find the egg. Here are some sex positions to conceive a boy: Position #1: Doggy Style. The position most commonly recommended for conceiving a boy is doggy style. Doggy style allows for deep penetration, and is considered the optimum position in which to conceive a boy. You should kneel on all fours, and have your partner enter you from behind. You could also adjust this position so that you are kneeling or leaning over a raised surface, if you prefer. Position #2: Standing Up. Another position for deep penetration is standing up. According to some gender swaying experts, they believe boy sperm are given an advantage in this position. This is because they can swim faster than female sperm, in the race against gravity to reach the egg. For this position, your partner may be able to lift you up, or you prefer to lean against a wall. Position #3: Straddling. Ask your partner to lie or sit up on the bed, sofa, or wherever you choose. You should straddle him and lower yourself onto him. This position allows for deep penetration, but with the added benefit of you being in control. If your partner has a large penis, or you feel discomfort when trying the positions above, you may prefer to be on top. This will allow you to control the depth of penetration. How To Conceive A Boy #2: What To Eat To Conceive A Boy. It’s time to go bananas! One study claimed a diet high in potassium, and sodium, favored the conception of a boy. Specialist in mammalian biology at Exeter University, Fiona Mathews, said, “We were able to confirm the old wives’ tale that eating bananas and so having a high potassium intake was associated with having a boy, as was a high sodium intake.” Be careful though, bananas are one of the worst fruits for carbohydrate content (meaning it will spike blood sugar levels). If you have diabetes, or want to avoid gestational diabetes, go easy on the fruit. Stick to berries instead. As for sodium, sprinkle Himalayan salt on your foods, or perhaps consider stocking up on electrolytes. Avoid those sugary sports drinks from the supermarket and look for a low sugar electrolyte (ask a natural health practitioner). Electrolytes are fantastic for pregnancy and in the post-natal period. How To Conceive A Boy #3: Male Sperm And Cycle Timing. Because male sperm is the faster of the two, Shettles suggests having intercourse as close to ovulation as possible. If you have sex several days before ovulation, the less resilient male sperm may die off. This leaves more female sperm to fertilise the egg. Not sure how to tell if you’re ovulating or not? It’s a good idea to start charting your monthly cycle. Also, around ovulation time, you can use ovulation test kits (like pregnancy test kits) to see if you’re ovulating. These ovulation test kits are very popular. Also, check out our article on signs of ovulation. How To Conceive A Boy #4: Sperm And Your Partner’s Underwear. You may already know the underwear a man wears can affect sperm production. So this is something you may not want to mess around with, especially if the male partner has fertility issues. Tighter underwear causes to scrotum to reach a higher temperature, reducing the number of sperm. Boxer shorts are the best underwear if you want to conceive a boy. Tighter underwear apparently favor the survival of the more resilient female sperm. How To Conceive A Boy #5: Female Orgasm Is Key. There’s a popular argument that female orgasm plays an important role in conceiving a boy. Some sources claim that during a female orgasm, an alkaline secretion is released into the vagina. This alkaline secretion gives male sperm an increased chance of survival. To increase your chances of having a boy, you should orgasm before your partner ejaculates. Source: https://www.bellybelly.com.au/conception/how-to-conceive-a-boy/


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