Duration 14:55

12 benefits about omega 3, fish oil and PUFA 12 فوائد عظيمة للأوميجا 3 وزيت السمك Singapore

Published 16 Jan 2022

Many people do not know the difference between pure omega 3 and mixed omega 3 6 9. In this video, I am trying to demonstrate the benefits of each supplement and how you can choose the most suitable product that will be effective in your case. I am also giving short notes everyone needs to know about omega fatty acids. #omega_3_6_9#unsaturated#fatty_acids#food_supplement#product#capsule#fish#oil#seed#nut#olive_oil#corn_oil#Almond_oil#refined_oil#fried_food#daily_intake#recommend#aha#dha#epa#ala#cla#pufa Do I need an omega-3-6-9 supplement? Mixed omega-3-6-9 supplements secure all these fatty acids in correct ratio like 2-to-1-to-1 The supplement can higher the ratio of omega-3 fatty acids and support the balance between fatty acids so that the ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 will be less than 4-to-1. People already get enough omega-6 from the diet and the body can produce omega-9, so most people do not need a supplement with these fatty acids. You have to make a healthy balance between omega-3-6-9 fatty acids from your diet. Try to limit omega-6 intake by: lowering the consumption of other vegetable oils lowering the consumption of fried foods that are cooked in refined vegetable oils. If you do not get enough omega-3 from your diet, you may benefit from a pure omega-3 supplement better than an omega-3-6-9 mixture supplement. Polyunsaturated fatty acids are oxidized when exposed to heat and light, so when you buy an omega-3-6-9 supplement, choose one that is cold-pressed as the oil has been extracted with low heat minimizing the oxidization and damage of active ingredients. Try to choose one that contains an antioxidant such as vitamin E. Try to select a supplement with omega-3 more than 300 mg per serving. Choose a supplement of fish oil or algal oil rather than flaxseed oil, since EPA and DHA have more benefits than ALA. If you buy a mixed supplement, choose one with a high concentration of EPA and DHA with a total amount of at least 300 mg per serving. Although mixed supplements contain a healthy ratio of omega 3-6-9, taking pure omega-3 will secure better health benefits. Finally, we can conclude that: The best sources of omega-3 fatty acids are oily fishes, whereas omega-6 and omega-9 fatty acids are present in plant oils, nuts, and seeds. People should eat more omega-3 fatty acids than omega-6 fatty acids because they are healthier. The body can produce omega-9 fatty acids and they are found in the diet. So you do not need to take them in a supplement form. A poor diet of omega-3 fatty acids compared with omega-6 fatty acids may participate in inflammation and chronic diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes, atherosclerosis, and heart failure. Try to eat at least two times of oily fishes per week and use olive oil for cooking and in salad dressing. الأوميجا 3 لها فوائد عظيمة وكذلك زيت السمك حيث يعالج الكوليسترول والدهون الثلاثية وأيضا يعالج الشعر المقصف والأوميجا 3 لها فوائد للحامل والأطفال


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