Duration 3:13

[cql ver.] lan wangji saying 'wei ying' + more

128 227 watched
11.2 K
Published 9 Sep 2019

EDIT: so this video got copyrighted and i had to cut out the wuji clip (of course they got me with the wuji clip -_-) so now ... the very last wei ying goes straight into the meme montage i'm sorry if you're confused lol it be like that but hey at least this video is up! the 50 hours of my life spent on cql were not wasted! and no i didn't even choose this thumbnail youtube did it for me maybe they're onto something hi it's me i'm back nobody missed me okay this is the 'lan wangji saying 'wei ying' + more' video for chenqing ling/the untamed/陈情令 that absolutely nobody asked for but i made anyway! so! y'all better like it! (fyi there are spoilers for ending in this video! you are warned) and yes, i watched all fifty episodes of cql for this. over 2000 minutes of my life (and more because i rewatched some episodes) was spent on this drama. i don't regret a single second of it THAT BEING SAID i'm sorry if i missed a wei ying i am only human which means even i get accustomed to lwj's various wei yings after a while. big thanks to my friends who binged the drama with me and helped me keep track of the wei ying count though UWU i hope someone laughed at the yoshi memes i included at the end of the video. more cql memes may be incoming (time and energy permitted). a wei ying donghua season 2 video will also probably be coming because i kept track of the wei ying times so i might as well use it somewhere! lwj didn't say all those wei yings for nothing! --- ~cql musings~ i actually really loved cql, much more than i was expecting to! there are quite a few flaws with the drama and criticisms that i have for it, but all in all it was a really good show. the production quality was super high (esp for a chinese drama, ifykyk) and i'm glad they invested the resources they did into a mdzs adaptation. BUT MOST OF ALL we are all blessed in this world to have existed at the same time as xiao zhan and to have witnessed his earth-shattering, heart-stopping smile. big xiao zhan energy. ENORMOUS. i would die for this man. and also all the character songs and wuji ugh the drama really pulled through with the instrumentals. i genuinely think the show did justice to all the scenes that they followed from the book, and it was awesome seeing them come to life. 后会有期!天涯一曲共悠扬!


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